If you’re a USENET user then there’s a good chance that you love data too. The growth of the USENET feed over the last decade is very interesting and shows all sorts of changes in user behavior, the quality of our internet connections, and much more. The approximate volume of USENET data generated in 2008…Continue reading →
Category Archives: In Depth
Features in Depth: Unlimited, Monthly, and Block Accounts
We thought that it’s high time we clue you in on some of the nuances between the different types of accounts we offer here at NewsgroupDirect. Read on to learn more!
Features In Depth: Header Compression
Header compression is a method for vastly improving the download time for usenet headers. The are hundreds of thousands of newsgroups available on usenet. Some of those groups have millions of articles, which means millions of headers.
Usenet for File Backups
We’ve had a few users ask about using usenet for personal file backups (the process is known as uBackup) over the past year, so we thought it would be a good idea to provide a bit of an intro. It’s a different use for usenet, but one that works and should be considered if you need to backup your personal data. Uploading files to usenet doesn’t count against your monthly usage (at least with NewsgroupDirect), so it’s free and unlimited. Plus, with retention now effectively infinite you don’t have to worry about every losing your data.
Usenet in Depth: Retention
Retention is one of the most important features for a usenet provider. Simply put, retention is the number of usenet articles that a server stores and makes available to users.